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Cloning, Sequences, and Characterization of Two Chitinase Genes from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. Strain TAD20: Isolation and Partial Characterization of the Enzymes

机译:南极关节杆菌属的两个几丁质酶基因的克隆,序列和表征。 TAD20菌株:酶的分离和部分表征



Arthrobacter sp. strain TAD20, a chitinolytic gram-positive organism, was isolated from the sea bottom along the Antarctic ice shell. Arthrobacter sp. strain TAD20 secretes two major chitinases, ChiA and ChiB (ArChiA and ArChiB), in response to chitin induction. A single chromosomal DNA fragment containing the genes coding for both chitinases was cloned in Escherichia coli. DNA sequencing analysis of this fragment revealed two contiguous open reading frames coding for the precursors of ArChiA (881 amino acids [aa]) and ArChiB (578 aa). ArChiA and ArChiB are modular enzymes consisting of a glycosyl-hydrolase family 18 catalytic domain as well as two and one chitin-binding domains, respectively. The catalytic domain of ArChiA exhibits 55% identity with a chitodextrinase from Vibrio furnissii. The ArChiB catalytic domain exhibits 33% identity with chitinase A of Bacillus circulans. The ArChiA chitin-binding domains are homologous to the chitin-binding domain of ArChiB. ArChiA and ArChiB were purified to homogeneity from the native Arthrobacter strain and partially characterized. Thermal unfolding of ArChiA, ArChiB, and chitinase A of Serratia marcescens was studied using differential scanning calorimetry. ArChiA and ArChiB, compared to their mesophilic counterpart, exhibited increased heat lability, similar to other cold-adapted enzymes.
机译:关节杆菌沿南极冰壳从海底分离出了几丁质溶菌革兰氏阳性菌TAD20。关节杆菌TAD20株响应于几丁质诱导而分泌两种主要的几丁质酶,即ChiA和ChiB(ArChiA和ArChiB)。含有编码两个壳多糖酶的基因的单个染色体DNA片段被克隆到大肠杆菌中。该片段的DNA测序分析揭示了两个连续的开放阅读框,它们编码ArChiA(881个氨基酸[aa])和ArChiB(578个aa)的前体。 ArChiA和ArChiB是模块化酶,分别由糖基水解酶家族18催化结构域以及两个和一个与几丁质结合的结构域组成。 ArChiA的催化结构域与来自弧菌弧菌的壳聚糖糊精酶具有55%的同一性。 ArChiB催化结构域与圆形芽孢杆菌的几丁质酶A表现出33%的同一性。 ArChiA几丁质结合结构域与ArChiB的几丁质结合结构域同源。从天然节杆菌菌株中纯化了ArChiA和ArChiB,使其具有同质性,并进行了部分表征。使用差示扫描量热法研究了粘质沙雷氏菌的ArChiA,ArChiB和几丁质酶A的热解折叠。与其他嗜温酶相比,ArChiA和ArChiB与中温对应物相比具有更高的热不稳定性。



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